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Wellness Center

Welcome to the Wellness Center!



The Wellness Center is a safe space for students to receive social and emotional support.
Services include:

  • 15 minutes quiet space
  • Talk to a Mental Health Staff
  • Individual Therapy Sessions
  • Small counseling groups: grief/loss, family issues, etc.
  • Workshops related to Mental Health Topics


The Wellness Center is open during school days.
Monday Through Friday from 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM.
Come Visit

  • Students can walk into the Wellness Center during school hours.
  • Students must have a pass from a Staff member during class time.

Student Referrals

Our Wellness Center Staff checks in with at-promise students that may benefit from Tier 2/Tier 3 services. Referrals are made by administration, counseling staff, and teachers. Parent/Guardian consent forms are needed for small counseling group sessions and individual therapy sessions.


Care Solace

A simple, fast and safe tool for Drug and Mental Health Help. The most trusted community of care. In partnership with Perris Union High School District. 888-515-0595

Care Solace

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

1-800-273-TALK (8255)
1-888-628-9454 (Spanish)
If you find yourself in an emergency please contact 911.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline